Driving Directions to Aid Stations (using 50 mile AS #s)
50 Mile Start at Junction Park to Aid Station #1 at Capra Running
Aid Station #1 at Capra Running to Aid Station #2 at Alice Lake
Aid Station #2 at Alice Lake to Aid Station #5 at Cap U
Aid Station #5 at Quest to Aid Station #7 at Far Side
Aid Station #7 at Far Side to Finish Line in downtown Squamish
Crew and Spectator Access Points
50 Miler
AS 1: Capra
AS 2: Alice Lake
AS 5: Cap U (formerly Quest)
AS 7: Far Side
Crew and spectators must park and walk to each aid station. You are not allowed to access your crew at AS 3, AS 4 or AS 6. Any and all vehicles seen attempting to access these areas may get their runner disqualified immediately.
AS 3: Cap U (formerly Quest)
AS 5: Far Side
Crew and spectators must park and walk to each aid station. You are not allowed to access your crew at AS 2 or AS 4. Any and all vehicles seen attempting to access these areas may get their runner disqualified immediately.
AS 2: Far Side
Crew and spectators are allowed at AS 2, Far Side. Please be forewarned that you will have to park and walk to the aid station, and as such you may not make it back to the finish line in time to see your runner.